12 Ways to Avoid the “Call Back Curse”
We’ve all been called back on to look at a job we thought had been
completed at one time or another. Call backs are the curse of the busy
pest controller. Rushing from one job to the next, especially in busy
summer months, we can sometimes forget to explain something or even
miss a vital part of a process trying to be on time.
Call backs not only put a dent in your profits, but can also affect your
relationships with clients and their view on your service. Great
preparation and a solid process can be the difference between calling
once and doing a great job and going back inconveniencing both you
and your customer.
Expert pest controllers Grant Curry, Rowan Gregson and our own
regional manger Richard Lawrence have shared their expertise for this
As my father always used to say, “measure twice, cut once”.
1) Have the correct expectations been set from the beginning? Good
communication with the client from the initial call is essential to set
realistic expectations.
2) Timing of jobs is crucial so ensure wind, excessive heat, sunlight and
time of day are taken into account when booking the appointment.
3) Review customer records and customer history on usage of
materials and quantities, also any problems previously experienced.
4) Always provide realistic and genuine estimates. Low estimates to get
work ALWAYS end up costing you reputation and money.
5) Do you have the right chemicals and tools for the job? Create a
simple pre-flight checklist before you leave the office, this will ensure
you have everything you need prior to leaving.
6) Ensuring your equipment is in great working order is essential for a
trouble free site treatment. Always clean and maintain your equipment
well and it will look after you in return.