De-K9 is a dried meat bait, making it naturally attractive to Wild Dogs. The baits have a long shelf life (12 months) but decompose naturally in the field after several weeks so as to minimise the risk of non-target poisoning. Unlike fresh meat baits, De-K9 will not disintegrate too quickly in hotter weather. Fresh meat baits can sometimes lose their effectiveness in the matter of a few days. Because De-K9 is a ready-to-use product, the need for licensed and qualified personnel to inject toxin into the bait is obviated. With fresh meat bait, loss of some injected toxin can be a problem because the toxic solution is often injected under some pressure and can seep out through damaged tissues. De-K9 baits are pre-drilled to accept the injecting needle and all toxin is readily absorbed in the centre of the bait.
Restricted chemical product – only to be supplied to or used by an authorised person
Pack size: 20, 80 & 200 Baits