If you are considering an insect growth regulator for flea or cockroach control, take a minute to consider the money you will save by using Sumilarv®.
When you work out the cost of Sumilarv compared to other Insect Growth Regulators (IGR’s) you will be pleasantly surprised at how little is costs to treat with Sumilarv.
For example when treating fleas, Sumilarv is around 23% cheaper than other IGR’s per unit of area sprayed. To put this in another way, you can treat 30% more area per dollar spent using Sumilarv.
When treating cockroaches, Sumilarv is up to 20% cheaper per mix than other IGR’s when used at maximum label rates.
The Product
Sumilarv contains pyriproxifen, an insect growth regulator belonging to the juvenile hormone analogue group. Sumilarv provides long-lasting residual control of pests, while having an extremely low mammalian toxicity.
Sumilarv is an ideal soft option in these times of increased scrutiny of pesticide use and human exposure in the home – because of low mammalian toxicity, Sumilarv is exempt from poison scheduling.
How it works
The active ingredient in Sumilarv (Pyriproxyfen) is a juvenile hormone mimic (very specific to insects) which interferes with normal hormone patterns in the larval insect usually preventing transition from larval to adult form. In so doing, it reduces the number of reproducing females. Additionally, it has a significant effect on egg deposition and hatch and we are now learning that there is a toxic effect on adult fleas, possibly through prevention of protein synthesis.
® Sumilarv is a Registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Co., Japan