Summer is here and the termites are upon us! Unbeknown to many Pest Controllers, foaming can be an excellent termite treatment. But what is foaming, what are its key benefits and when should you foam?
What is Foaming?
Foaming works by combining liquid termiticide with surfactant and air to create bubbles/foam as a pesticide treatment
Foam can be sprayed into any enclosed infested area, as it will expand to more than 20 times its size and fill the entire space
As bubbles in the foam collapse, a termiticide residue is left behind, providing long lasting protection against termites
What are theBenefits of Foaming?
Extend your reach – Foaming is perfect for dealing with infestations in hard to reach spaces; it can move around obstacles, make it through narrow spaces and penetrate deeper into a structure than dusting or spraying
Improve safety – Unlike some other termite treatments, foaming involves no airborne particles and almost no chance of chemical run-off; this makes it considerably safer for you and your customers
Save money – Foaming provides an even coverage of termiticide on each surface that it contacts; this means that you only use as much product as necessary. You can savesubstantially on pesticides here, and also pass some of the savings on to your customers!
When Should YouFoam?
Sensitive locations – With far less risk of chemical run-off than dusting or spraying, foaming is ideal for targeted use in any structure that is close to sensitive or vulnerable areas
Small access points – Foaming only requires a small access point, making it a great choice for infestations when creating a large access hole isn’t possible or desirable
Live infestations – Once you know where those termites are, it is vital that you eradicate their colonies as accurately and extensively as possible. Foaming will ensure that you maximise the amount of chemical that gets in contact with the termites, destroying them, their nests and colonies
Modern Chemicals + Professional Training = Trouble for Termites!
While foaming is an extremely effective termite control technique, it requires the right chemicals and proper training. Here are some of your best options:
ALTRISET Termiticide – Has impressive transfer properties, will start working within hours of application and can continue to protect against termites for up to 9 years
ARILON Insecticide – Non-repellent and odourless, this great product is particularly effective against live infestations in hard to reach places such as fence posts, wall cavities and trees
Once learned, foaming is an easy technique to replicate and will consistently prove successful in eradicating termites.
Syngenta offers free training workshops to its customers across the country, so pick up a new weapon in your war on termites and learn how to foam!
For more information on Altriset, Arilon or the Syngenta foaming workshops, contact Agserv on 1800 554 445.