One of the major gripes I always hear from PCO’s is chasing money. Many large and small Pesties have regular service jobs, either commercial – small take aways or restaurants or domestic termite baiting sites. These customers are serviced regularly sometime for fairly small fees. If you have to send an invoice, follow up with a statement then even ring the customer for payment you are wasting your time and probably making the small jobs unprofitable. There is a solution. Set up direct debit or automatic credit card payment with these customers when you start to service them it will stop a lot of time in administration and will also help to secure the customer long term.
But how do you do it. MYOB & Zero allow it through your accounting package. Paypal, the big banks and 3rd party providers also can set you up. If you have moved to a smart phone payment app through your bank most allow recurring payments to be set up. It will incur a fee but think of the money you will save in chasing accounts. Also even for your customers that are good payers it will ensure payment is received the day of service not weeks later when they get time to pay their accounts.
Don’t be scared to ask, many companies from phone companies, bin hire, wash room service already do so your clients probably already have it set up with others. Once it is done it is set and forgets. The easiest time is in the first service. It may even be worth offering a slight discount if they accept it. Or many companies will only deal with a small recurring account if they do direct deposit. Once more and more do it, it will become the standard and no customers will question it.
I suggest you contact your bank or accounting Software Company as a starting point and set it up today. Ready for your next recurring client.