Agserv Pestech is being run again across QLD, NSW & Victoria over the coming months. We kick off on the sunshine coast on the 1st June. Please RSVP now.
We have secured Phil Ridley who is doing a presentation on – e-Wars: Google vs Facebook – Online advertising is getting more complicated by the day. Many “keepit simple” by focusing on Google adwords. But are you missing a trick?Do you know about all the new tools Google has to offer? And what about Facebook? These guys are gunning for Google and want a slice of the advertising pie. So what do Google and Facebook have to offer and what should you use? Come along to Pestech and find out!
We have 6 principle sponsors we would like to thank FMC, BASF, SUMITOMO, BELL LABS, SUNDEW & SYNGENTA. They are all doing presentations or hands on demonstrations. Due to the success of last year’s hands on demos we have 3 more this year. Bell will be doing Rodent Control Tricks of the Trade, looking at the 4 lines of defence against rodents. While Sumitomo will teach you the tricks of the trade for termite baiting. Syngenta will demonstrate the future of termite control that is already available to you now.
We have 3 other presentations from FMC – Formulations & applications, BASF – BASF Non-Repellent Solutions and SUNDEW – launches Stardust Pro.
When and where is PesTech 2015 on in Sydney?
Hi Nick
Sydney Pestech is 16th July at 12 Noon at Bankstown sports club.
Hope to see you there.
What about South Australia?
Book me in for Melbourne.
P.S. Amy good raffle prizes this year? The helicopter flight from LiphaTech was great. I sent a heap of photos to Romain.
Hi Sturt
Will be prizes as always
Will book you in.
Hi Mark
There will be one later in the year will keep you posted.