Training and skill/career development are just two of the many important aspects companies need to invest on in order for the company to progress and grow. This provides great opportunity for base employees to expand their knowledge on their company’s operation and business goals and acquire more experience and skills to contribute more for the benefit of the organization. However, many companies shun away from development opportunities, thinking it just adds to the expenses. Also, training could mean employees will miss out on work time to attend and complete the training course, which may compromise his daily tasks or even delay on-going projects of the company. Despite these potential drawbacks, training and development of employees do more good for the company in the long run, as it benefits both the business and the individual, making it worth the money and time.
Before we enumerate few of the many importance and benefits of training and development, it is important that we know the difference between the two. Training often refers to acquiring new skills required for particular job. This means it has specific goals in mind, such as knowing a specific process or operating certain system or machine. Career development on the other hand, refers to enhancement of broader skills, which are usually applicable in wider range of situations, from decision-making, creative thinking, to people management.
Improve Employees Efficiency and Productivity
Employees who receive the helpful training and skill development perform better in their jobs. They become more proficient in handling different systems and machines, procedure of different tasks, and more aware of safety precautions. This is because they have developed confidence from the training.
Also, improved confidence can also encourage employees to perform even better, come up with new ideas to get things done faster and more efficiently. Nevertheless, continuous training keeps employees competent and helps them keep up of the newest developments and trends in their career and the industry they work in.
Address Employee Weaknesses
No matter how good your human resource team is, your employees will have their weaknesses. Though most of these weaknesses can be compensated by other employees, it will impede the progress of your company in the long run. A good training program will address these weaknesses to broaden and strengthen the skill set of your employees, making them proficient in their job. This gets rid of any weak link in your company, as your employees can step up each time you need them, without the supervision of constant help of others.
Ensure Employee Satisfaction
Your workforce is the heart and soul of your business. Thus, keeping them happy is crucial for your company’s success. Employees who had access to training and career development programs are usually happier, as they have the edge over those employees from other companies. This gives them the confidence to deliver what is expected of them on a regular basis. Making them feel more appreciated and satisfied towards their jobs. Also, continuous makes supporting workplace, which cultivates teamwork, which ultimately leads to competence and productivity.