Have a think of all the major media stories just over the last year or two; the largest outbreak of the Ross River virus in Australia, the major Zika virus epidemic in the Americas, the emergence and global spread of the Chikungunya virus, growing detections of exotic mosquitoes at major Australian airports, the rising number of Dengue disease cases worldwide, the threat of introduction and establishment of the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes Albopictus), climate change and the potential spread of mosquitoes and mosquito borne diseases.
Plus we have the ongoing threat of our local viruses such as Murray Valley Encephalitis and Barmah Forest virus, as well as whole suite of local mosquitoes that can spread disease or make our life miserable through pest biting.
It is time you started to offer Mosquito abatement as a service. I know it is difficult and involves educating the customer on the fact that you can only reduce populations not eradicate all mosquitoes, but this is not an excuse. Mosquitoes are certainly the most annoying insect in Australia and it is time we started to offer services for them.
Often people say it’s expensive to get the gear, but this month we are offering a back pack mister & a Biflex Aquamax 5L at only $575 plus GST! This is all you need to offer domestic mosquito services. The best option is to put the customer on a 4 spray service over the summer months. Ensure you only offer 6 weeks reduction.
To help you get educated we are giving away the just released this month “A Guide to Mosquitoes of Australia”, produced by some of the foremost mosquito experts in the country from the Department of Medical Entomology at Westmead Hospital, including Dr Cameron Webb, Prof. Richard Russell and Stephen Doggett.
This is a full colour guide of over 200 pages, with sections on mosquito biology, disease risks and nuisance biting, personal protection, and managing mosquitoes around the home. Plus there are notes on over 80 individual mosquito species, which includes all the major vectors and pests in the country, with full colour images of the mosquito itself.
Clearly this will be a valuable resource if you want to work with mosquitoes.
Free to you with the purchase of a backpack mister & Biflex Aquamax 5L or purchase separately for only $49.95 which is available now from Agserv.