Technical information of Pest Control, insects, insecticide. 

Lizzy Lowe Blog 3

First Pestech 2019 Guest Speaker Announced

Invertebrate conservation, people’s attitudes towards spiders/pests and biological control in an urban context Dr Lizzy Lowe is a postdoc in the Behavioural Ecology Group at Macquarie University, her research investigates in the social and environmental factors that drive biodiversity and species interactions in cities. Lizzy is fascinated by the ability of some “urban exploiting” species…

nemesis blog 2

Your Choice of the Nemesis Termite Bait System Offers You Many Advantages

The Nemesis Termite Bait System has become widely established in Australia as a leading professional termite colony elimination control product. Nemesis has been used since 2005 to eliminate existing termite colonies and to monitor your client’s sites for future activity. It is wholly Australian owned and manufactured system providing a safe, non-invasive solution for termite…


Agserv Now in SA

We are very pleased to announce that on December 1st, 2017 Agserv acquired the JADE Chemicals SA business based in Adelaide. The JADE and Agserv teams are looking forward to continuing to grow the business in SA & NT as Agserv and become the supplier of choice for all Your professional pest product needs. Over…